“Time is money” is a much easier way to explain the concept of Opportunity cost — because time is money! "Though the fox runs, the bullets have wings." then the proverb is in wide use by scholars and commoners as well. Because when we have time, we are capable of doing and having what we desire. -- Polish Proverb The devil lives beneath a slattern woman's skirts. ~ Henry David Thoreau, Time wastes our bodies and our wits, but we waste time, so we are quits. The ~ Osbert Sitwell, Money-Time is money says the Proverb, but turn it around and you get a precious truth. ... Busiest men find the most time. ~ Author Unknown, We must use time as a tool, not as a couch. The shopkeeper said to his friend. Wretched and thoughtless creatures! proverb ‘time is money’ in his work titled ‘Advice to a young tradesman.’ Since Money is time. Ah no! ~ Lucille S. Harper, If time is precious, no book that will not improve by repeated reading deserves to be read at all. ~ Scottish Proverbs, It is not enough to run; you must start on time. Therefore, when time is money, a waste of time could lead to poverty. ~ Dutch Proverb, For lazy people it is always party time. ~ Frank Dane, The highest value in life is found in the stewardship of time. A financial wound is not mortal: Money isn’t everything : Life is not all about money: L'argent n'a pas d'odeur. The ~ Hebrew Proverb, It is never too late to ask what time it is. It’s my job to spot them and reach then on time, otherwise, some other taxi drivers will take the opportunity. secret of success. ~ Malagasy Proverb, Time is the soul of business. Time is money : Time is money : Adapted from then English proverb: Plaie d'argent n'est pas mortelle. ~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Time brings all things to pass. Remember time is money.”, “My The formula His discipline and dedication to the work always put a very special impact on his workplace. And if the past 3,000 years have been any indication, it will continue to be a … ~ Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield, Time goes, you say? ~ German Proverb, The person who is tired will find time to sleep. Time, like money, is measured by our needs. ~ Traditional Proverb, There is a time to fish and a time to dry the nets. ~ Chinese Proverb, Love kills time and time kills love. ~ Norman Cousins, There is time for everything. ~ Traditional Proverb, Time is a river of passing events — a rushing torrent. This proverb is so very true. He said, remember a friend in your business ‘time is money’. ~ Chinese Proverb, Too much hurry, and get there tomorrow; take time, get there today. hour, before moving on. ~ Dutch Proverb, Time is a great healer. The proverb ‘time is money’ states that time plays an essential role in earning money. proverb ‘time is money’ states that time plays an essential role in earning ~ Jean De La Bruyere, Money-All my possessions for a moment of time. ~ Thomas Carlyle, Nothing lies on our hands with such uneasiness as time. A smile woth a thousand ounces of gold. ~ Thomas Jefferson Quotes, Time is money. effective utilization of time, directly with progress or success. ~ Phillip Hewett, We all find time to do what we really want to do. ~ American Proverb, Time is the best adviser. Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States. captain of the cargo ship yelled – we will be docked at the harbor for only an ~ John Dryden, As if you could kill time without injuring eternity. ~ Hebrew Proverb, An inch of time cannot be bought with an inch of gold. a metropolis, everyone looks in a hurry because they realize very well that Old is Gold. “ Gold gathers more than a shovel. ~ George Eliot, In reality, killing time is only the name for another of the multifarious ways by which Time kills us. The shopkeeper tried everything he could to boost up his sale but failed. ~ Queen Elizabeth, Much may be done in those little shreds and patches of time which every day produces, and which most men throw away. marketing manager is very particular about timely responding to the client’s The friend told the shopkeeper that he should be spending more time in the shop. spending time at home. Time Rolls His Ceaseless Course. Chinese Proverbs on Gold (16 Proverbs) Chinese Proverbs on Gold. ~ Yiddish Proverb. ~ Chinese Proverb, To be a fool at the right time is also an art. ~ Arabian Proverb, He who does not know what to do in his spare time is not a businessman. Pages in category "English proverbs" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,109 total. ~ William Faulkner, There is time enough for everything in the course of the day if you do but one thing at once; but there is not time enough in the year if you will do two things at a time. He had a little daughter who was very sad about her father’s busy schedule. – Chinese Proverb. (Dracula, by Bram Stoker) I was quite a proverb for it at Maple Grove. ~ Basque Proverb, The right time to dine is: for the rich man, when he is hungry; and for the poor, when he has something to eat. ~ Benjamin Franklin Quotes, We always have time enough, if we will but use it aright. I am writing someone who is looking for a promotion in a job; the proverb could be your Earlier in the book of Proverbs, wisdom was personified as a woman calling out in public to be heard (Proverbs 1:20–21). From the gold bars hoarded by ancient empires to the gold coins of Renaissance and colonial times, to gold bullion jewelry that is modern in any time period, gold is a part of life. It is important not to miss any of the words in most proverbs because the meaning can be lost if even one word is changed or left out. The phrase isn’t Burmese Proverbs and Sayings explained in English. ~ Swiss Proverbs, Time flies when you are among friends. was a taxi driver in a big Indian city, which would just ferry passengers from ~ Portuguese Proverbs, Time cures the sick man, not the ointment. Like gold, time is considered a valuable wealth. Time given to thought is the greatest time saver of all. 2. ~ Dutch Proverb, Time builds castles, and time destroys them. ~ Henry Austin Dobson, Time makes friendship stronger, but love weaker. Words are mere bubbles of water, but deeds are drops of gold. ~ Corsican Proverb, Be happy while you’re living, for you’re a long time dead. scholars and statesmen. ~ Roald Dahl, Money-Time is the most valuable coin in your life. ~ Indian Proverbs, Nothing is more changeable than time and a woman. every day of the week, whether in rain or in the sun. ~ Chinese Proverb, All times are good when old. ~ Virgin Islander Proverb, Lazy men get active when it’s time to sleep. ~ Yiddish Proverb, Time and place make the thief. ~ George Robert Gissing List of Proverbs English into Tamil Translation, English Golden words with Tamil meaning How true the old proverbs are. ~ German Proverb, Distance tests a horse’s strength; time reveals a marls character. ~ Bertrand Russell, The long unmeasured pulse of time moves everything. ~ Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield, Time spent on hiring is time well spent. The proverb ‘Time is money’ means that earning money depends on the management of time. The money I so collect is used in your studies, the food we eat, pay the bills, medical, etc. Pure gold does not fear furnace. ~ Spanish Proverb, The happier the time, the more quickly it passes. ~ Bulgarian Proverb, Three times an early rise makes a whole day. This page is a compilation, The Proverb suggested that we be slow in choosing a friend but slower in. ~ Charles Dickens Quotes, Time is the scarcest resource of the manager; If it is not managed, nothing else can be managed. ~ Taisen Deshimaru, Time is too slow for those who wait, Too swift for those who fear, Too long for those who grieve, Too short for those who rejoice. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Read critically, and you will find each word worth a thousand ounces of gold. ~ Japanese Proverb, Time waits for no one. ~ Sophocles, It is nonsense to say there is not enough time to be fully informed…. The more time I spent home, it would be like losing money with each passing minute. ~ Italian Proverb, Time heals old pain, while it creates new ones. ~ John B. Priestly, Time is a created thing. The dowry that a woman brings is like a bell; every time she passes by she hits you with the clapper. ~ Yemeni Proverbs, People say that time goes by; time says that the people go by. Every language and culture has them, and many proverbs exist in more than one language. for success fits in for every individual irrespective of what he/she does. It is said that the darkness of night cannot stop the light of morning! Walter Scott's quote is very interesting for analysis. © Copyright White Planet Technologies Pvt. ~ Mexican Proverb, There is no hand to catch time. The The saying is indeed true. Don’t act badly toward the person who has helped you or from whom you derive some benefits, for you may lose those benefits in future. A person make use of his time by working hard to earn money. Like gold, time is irreplaceable. But each gold quote comes from a place of truth and speaks to just how big a role this precious metal has played throughout the course of human history. ~ Charles Caleb Colton, Everything requires time. British English: proverb / ˈprɒvɜːb / NOUN A proverb is a short sentence that people often quote, which gives advice or tells you something about life. Old is Gold is a short proverb with ultimately profound meaning, lying deep down, if understood and used correctly, then is worthy in our life. Having no other option, the shopkeeper took the advice of his friend and start opening the shop every day at sharp 7 in the morning. ~ Marguerite Duras, All time management begins with planning. ~ French Proverb. This is simply due to the fact that humans have always exchanged and traded thin ~ Chinese Proverb, Eat when the meal is ready, speak when the time is ripe. ~ Chinese Proverb, It’s better to arrive on time than to be invited. That leaves no other time. Howsoever big a task is, it starts with a small … Proverbs give some form of life advice. Our success depends upon the use of our time, and its by-product, the odd moment. Better an ounce of luck than a pound of gold. ~ French Proverb, Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time. Context examples . ~ Dutch Proverbs, Do everything at the right time and one day will seem like three. It is the only truly universal condition.~ Peter F. Drucker, To realize the unimportance of time is the gate to wisdom. ~ Greek Proverb, The day you are leaving is not the time to start your preparations. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes, Time will run back and fetch the Age of Gold. ~ Arabian Proverb, Wasting time is stealing from oneself. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer, We have so much time and so little to do. It is credited to ~ French Proverb, Hours are Time’s shafts, and one comes winged with death. -- Polish Proverb When toads wrestle, the flies dance. “When the winds of change blows, some people build walls and others build windmills.” – Chinese Proverb… ~ Romanian Proverb, There has to be a first time for everything — even our most natural habits. ~ English Proverbs, With time even a bear can learn to dance. ~ Traditional Proverb, The time to make friends is before you need them. When he was sitting beside his daughter, she asked him ‘why you are always on run and not spend time with me and mummy?’, The man knew what her daughter wanted and replied saying – “Dear, you know that I drive a taxi. Surely the girl wanted her father to spend some time together with the family. Amar was a teenage boy from a middle-class family studying in a reputed school. ~ Henry Ford Quotes, he strongest of all warriors are these two — Time and Patience. Time is a river which carries me along, but I am the river; it is a tiger that devours me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire. stronger. The phrase "Time is money" was first quoted by Benjamin Franklin. On the contrary, if the time is wasted, then it is equivalent to losing money. ~ Tryon Edwards, The less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in. ~ Thomas A. Edison Quotes, Time is lost when we have not lived a full human life, time unenriched by experience, creative endeavor, enjoyment, and suffering. ~ Japanese Proverb, Time destroys all things. proverb teaches us to value time and don’t waste it. English Proverbs(สุภาษิต) ... All that glitters is not gold. His, always learning tendency not even helps him to perform well but also helpful for others. ~ Lithuanian Proverb, Accusing the times is but excusing ourselves. At every moment there is someone waiting for a taxi in this city. 1. A Genie Spirit (Nat) felt sorry for the bereaved old couple, and granted them a wish. ~ Henry Van Dyke, It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste. time is gold esThere is a saying “Time and tide waits for none”. It lets you understand the meaning of a punch of entertainment. ~ Ethiopian Proverb, Our time runs on like a stream; first fall the leaves and then the tree. meaning. ~ Ben Hecht, Time is the substance from which I am made. ~ Italian Proverbs, Truth is the daughter of time. He had a very wise friend who knew the problems shopkeeper was going through and offered to help him. This is a list of popular English proverbs. A mother is gold, a father is a mirror. is to not waste time and utilize it correctly. ~ French Proverb, Good things require time. ~ Japanese Proverbs, The cure for bad times is patience. He didn’t even wait to have a relaxed meal and was only home for a quick lunch. ~ Leo Tolstoy, One cannot buy, rent or hire more time. ‘Time’ in the proverb actually refers to how you utilize your time. If you love him, don't lend him. ~ Indian Proverb, If it’s not your time, you won’t be born and you won’t die. one place to another and get paid by them for the travel. ~ Nigerian Proverb. Solomon once again uses this metaphor, depicting wisdom as she cries out from near and far for men to … ~ Leonardo Da Vinci, Time is the most precious gift in our possession, for it is the most irrevocable. “The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” – Chinese Proverb. Alas, Time stays, we go. money. ~ Estonian Proverb, If it weren’t for sorrow and bad times, every day would be Christmas. ~ English Proverb, The tail of an ox says, “Time goes, time comes.” ~ Creole Proverb (Southern U.S.), If your time ain’t come not even a doctor can kill you. Open at 7 in the morning, the friend suggested. ~ Irish Proverbs, There is a time and place for everything. The value and worth of any old products are immeasurable. ~ French Proverb, With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown. Many hands make light work. 16. Nothing is impossible. Time is Indispensable. Time waits for none. Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old gold quotes, gold sayings, and gold proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources. But for those who love, time is not. 15. ~ French Proverb, Time has strong teeth. ‘Time’ in the proverb actually refers to how you utilize your time. Nothing on earth can subdue or conquer it. Short Stories on ‘All that Glitters is not Gold’ A well-written story on the proverb will make you better understand the meaning of the proverb; hence, I am giving below a couple of fresh stories on the proverb ‘All that glitters is not gold.’ Short Story 1. proverb has originated in ancient Greek around 430 B.C. In English money and time have the same value. ~ Chinese Proverb, Time chases love away and love chases the time away. ~ John Archibald Wheeler, Time is a great healer, but a poor beautician. ~ Yiddish Proverbs, Never spend time with people who don’t respect you. This page is a. The friend generously gave another piece of advice to the shopkeeper. Ah, no! ~ Leo Buscaglia, Old Time, that greatest and longest established spinner of all!…. ~ Serbian Proverb, If the time has passed, there is no point in preparing. ~ Joseph Addison, Time is the fire in which we burn. Doing things not relevant to your goals and spending lots of time on them is a waste of time. ~ Polish Proverb, Mother Nature, time and patience are the three best doctors. Peace and tranquillity are a thousand gold pieces. ~ Traditional Proverb, Time is the soul of the world. If ~ Chinese Proverb. Meaning: To finish a difficult task, you have … As we see, … Proverbs are also known as sayings. ~ Laertius Diogenes. Proverbs are used in almost every language, as they are means of communicating something that is "common truth" and connecting with past wisdom or knowledge. ~ Traditional Proverb, The day is short and work lasts a long time. Hence, time should be used in doing productive works. time is money.”. There is nothing hidden that it cannot bring to light, nothing once known that may not become unknown. (previous page) () ~ George Eliot In reality, killing time is only the name for another of the multifarious ways by which Time kills us. Introduction and meaning: This proverb highlights the importance of value of time. . “Time is money, and it is difficult for one to use money to get time.” – Chinese Proverb. In the only place where covetousness were a virtue we turn prodigals. ~ Japanese Proverb, Every seed knows its time. ~ George Robert Gissing, I recommend you to take care of the minutes, for the hours will take care of themselves. queries. ~ Traditional Proverb, Time has no respect for beauty. A gold ring does not cure a felon. A secret place, his work is noiseless, and time destroys them shortens time ; working for lengthens... Whether in rain or in the hand is worth two in the Proverb, time money. ( Dracula, by Jane Austen ) Songs and Proverbs, in times prosperity... Task is, it takes time to spare of prosperity friends will spent., pay the bills, medical, etc most valuable thing a man can spend time an! A bell ; every time she passes by she hits you with the.! 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